Tuesday, June 15, 2010

N9OGL pleads guilty...Brian Crow K3VR gloats on the internet

Todd Daugherty N9OGL of Taylorville, Illinois plead guilty yesterday through the advisement of his lawyer Scott Sabin. Upon hearing of Daugherty guilty charge, Brian Crow K3VR the man who complained to local police went on the Internet and gloated about Daugherty's guilty verdict, including neo-Nazi website NIM Busters, K1TP'S As The World Turns and claims he going to have it put on Amateur Radio website QRZ.com, Amateur Radio Newsline. His website VE7KFM.com also gloats about Daugherty's conviction claiming he was found guilty. Crow is trying to rally the troops hoping to get restitution, although this had nothing to do with him. Daugherty was charged with harassment via electronic device, a class B misdemeanor after threatening to blow up Consolidated Communications. Daugherty threaten local telephone company Consolidated Communications after Laura Zuhone, an employee from Consolidated Communication posted a comment on his blog, threatening to cut Daugherty's nuts off. Daugherty was charged for making a threat. The question is why wasn't the employee of Consolidated Communications charged??


  1. I hope the lawyers advice works out well for you

  2. Mark,

    Hello and welcome. I don't know who you are address here, but from what I'm understanding from your little comment that perhaps you're referring to Todd. I too hope it works out for Todd since he listening to his lawyer. I saw Todd the other day at Wal-Mart and asked him how it was going. He wasn't too happy about the outcome.

    Radical Edward

  3. I am hopping that things work out for tod often pleading out is a good idea but now and then you get a judge with a burr up his ass and a trail would be a better idea . I hope it works out well is all

  4. Toad now lacks the requisite character to remain an FCC licensee since his threats involved communications. I hope you follow his path toward criminal prosecution for being his enabler.

  5. OGL got what he deserved. He was fucking psychopath that should never have gotten a license. Rot in your cell Todd. Maybe you can be your cellmate's bitch.

  6. It is a fact of life that there are bad people who we have to share the air (that we breath) with. Brian Crow (K3VR) is one of them. Our FCC is an embarrassment. K3VR should be fined, his radio equipment confiscated. He is a person of low character as demonstrated time and time again, for years, on Amateur Radio frequencies.

  7. ALL:

    The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine!!!



    Note especially the ~identical FN #11 in both and FN #16 in the 1st NAL unequivocally proving that Brian CROW K3VR is a LIAR.


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